Eek! One year! I wish I had clearer memories of when I started reading CoJ, but I know you all got me through the lonely years at the beginning of college and that was 5ish years ago now. Always one of my favorite places to be :)
Congrats on one year!!! What you build is always thoughtful, inclusive, joyful and just plain fun. Its a joy to dip in and watch you explode with success here, too! ❤️
Happy first year! And thank you, more than I could say, for the years of writing and wisdom and humor and the community you’ve built, such that I can continue to reference Cup of Jo to my friends and husband so regularly, and always with the context of “on this blog I love, cupofjo” that they are like WE KNOW WE GET IT YES 😂😂😂. Is the source of 30% of my life’s wisdom? Perhaps. ❤️❤️
Joanna, WHERE are you finding men to date. I live in NYC, am 38, and have been single for two and a half years - not for lack of trying - because it is a literal DESERT out there 😩😩😩
okay, here is my pro tip haha -- I put my settings at 100 miles. I know that sounds wild BUT I have met the nicest guys from the river towns, New Jersey, etc. I think that really helps -- like, not being restricted to just guys in the immediate vicinity.
I have a feeling it is more than just the distance! Perhaps you have a profile as awesome as the rest of your writing and it attracts men who seem to be like the other communities you’ve created. It is a gift to exude the warmth without being misread. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.
Happy anniversary, Jo and team! This is the best place on the internet, I love it here <3
The closest place is often the farthest away.
المكان الأقرب هو في أغلب الأحيان المكان الأبعد.
Eek! One year! I wish I had clearer memories of when I started reading CoJ, but I know you all got me through the lonely years at the beginning of college and that was 5ish years ago now. Always one of my favorite places to be :)
Congrats on one year!!! What you build is always thoughtful, inclusive, joyful and just plain fun. Its a joy to dip in and watch you explode with success here, too! ❤️
Is the live chat happening tomorrow? Hope so!
Happy 1 year!!!
Yes Deadloch is a must watch.
Are there any more details about the live chat this Thursday? Adding it to my calendar now!
Also, congrats to Big Salad’s 1 year! 🎉💕
we will share soon!!
Happy first year! And thank you, more than I could say, for the years of writing and wisdom and humor and the community you’ve built, such that I can continue to reference Cup of Jo to my friends and husband so regularly, and always with the context of “on this blog I love, cupofjo” that they are like WE KNOW WE GET IT YES 😂😂😂. Is the source of 30% of my life’s wisdom? Perhaps. ❤️❤️
awww that makes me so happy, Posie! thank you so much.
Can't believe it's been a year!!! Love reading BS, here's to another year :)
lol it took me a second to realize BS stands for Big Salad
Jo, you are the Oprah of bloggers-to be clear this is a big compliment!!!- so I love that you're doing a fave things giveaway ✌️
Will there be Big Salad merch?!!
Deadloch was fantastic. I really hope there’s a second series.
Happy Birthday Big Salad!!! it’s been a really amazing year full of wisdom, advice and great recommendations! ♡
I also hope the giveaway will be open to international readers like myself ◡̈
Joanna, WHERE are you finding men to date. I live in NYC, am 38, and have been single for two and a half years - not for lack of trying - because it is a literal DESERT out there 😩😩😩
okay, here is my pro tip haha -- I put my settings at 100 miles. I know that sounds wild BUT I have met the nicest guys from the river towns, New Jersey, etc. I think that really helps -- like, not being restricted to just guys in the immediate vicinity.
I have a feeling it is more than just the distance! Perhaps you have a profile as awesome as the rest of your writing and it attracts men who seem to be like the other communities you’ve created. It is a gift to exude the warmth without being misread. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.
Happy 1 Year Anniversary! Cup of Jo is our living room. Big Salad is the back yard patio with twinkle lights and wine!
OMG bekah!!!!!