Sep 25Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

Without any evidence whatsoever, every time I go to place a library hold for a book recommended here and there are already multiple requests, I assume they're other CoJ readers who beat me to it. I think: "Okay, you cuties - you got there first. I respect that."

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awwww all the hearts for this comment

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Sep 26Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

I think the same thing!

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Sep 25Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

Can’t say I didn’t fan-girl, fat-thumbs-a-keyboard when I saw the mention and pitch for Croutons as this community name. 🫠

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Sep 25Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

Omg! Color me over the moon excited- a comment of mine made it to the post!!! Thank you so much!!❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 26Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

I live in Iowa and we do something with Halloween that is unique to our state (as far as I know). It's called Beggar's Night here - sometimes it's on the actual day of Halloween, but sometimes not. Anyway, you dress up and go trick-or-treating, but there's a catch! You have to tell a spooky/Halloween-themed joke at everyone's doorstep before receiving candy. I wish I knew the origin of this! It's so fun to hear the variety of jokes from small 3-year-olds to 12-year-old boys. I love it!

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Sep 26Liked by Kaitlyn Teer

Ivy, I’m from Iowa too and literally had no idea this was a regional thing until I read your comment! My mind is now completely blown as I’ve gone 34 years thinking everyone had to come up with jokes and tell them to endless adults to get candy… I’m still reeling from this information, haha!

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Sep 26Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

I’m an adult who will eat Sour Patch Kids until my mouth is raw.

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Sep 26Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

I don’t have kids but just love trick or treaters! I set up on my stoop and pass out candy and neon bracelets to the kids, and parents get mulled wine! I assume everyone needs a little reinforcement on the trail ;)

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Ahhh! thank you for featuring MADWOMAN!! So thrilled to connect with the Big Salad community <3

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Sep 26Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

I just gasped and my family asked what is it what is it??! And I told them Big Salad has a September Edit :)

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Sep 26Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

*interrupts peaceful park outing to immediately teach her four children the humpty dumpty joke*

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Sep 25Liked by Joanna Goddard, Kaitlyn Teer

My kids (8 and 10) SWEAR that gummy nerds are going to be the it candy this year. LOL. I don't know why they have such a strong opinion about this, but I did go ahead and order some to hand out. Will report back!

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Those are SO good! Your neighbors are in for a treat! xo

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So much goodness in this roundup - thank you!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Kaitlyn Teer

It was oddly surreal to be reading and then see my comment in the newsletter! I guess my work as a Bess Kalb evangelist is done. Thanks for everything you do, Big Salad and CoJ crew!

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Sep 26Liked by Kaitlyn Teer

oooh did you all announce the giveaway winner? 🥰

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