Wow I feel like a celebrity - I am IN the Race to Alaska movie! When we did the interviews we had no idea if they would even be able to make it, let alone if anyone would watch it. I did it with a big team on a big boat so our shit was less crazy :)
What a fabulous interview! I read Sandwich and had to read it again right away. I felt really seen. Menopause rage, empty nest, aging parents, all of it. Catherine is a truth-teller in the best way.
We immigrated from South Africa to the UK in 2020, my dad is still in SA - and we have shared our Wordle scores every day since before we left. My tween kids are also part of our WhatsApp group - they only sometimes contribute, but it’s a lovely way to keep that small contact with my dad in between phone calls.
I loved this interview 💚 And completely with you Catherine on the polar plunging ☺️ Just finished both Sandwich and We all want impossible things upon recommendation from you Jo, and WOW! Loved them both so much, couldn’t put them down and I want to keep plunging into the worlds you create…
I just finished Sandwich, and it was EVERYTHING to me -- marriage, motherhood, and menopause written about in such an exquisitely beautiful way! I love how Catherine Newman acknowledged the love affair that the mother in Sandwich has with her children -- I feel the same way about my child, and there's that ache there as he grows older and gets ready to leave the nest, which was soothed somewhat by Sandwich. I loved so much about this article and the interview with Catherine Newman, and I cannot wait to see and hear more from her!
Help!!! Any suggestions for a clear book on boys entering puberty in this modern world?!? My precious grandson is turning 10 this week and I need guidance on how to talk to him but be “cool” granny.
yes! I like the emotional lives of teenagers, by Lisa Damour. I also try to follow my kids' leads -- if they ask questions, I give them straightforward short answers and ask if they have any more questions. (I don't want to overexplain or overwhelm them! often they'll come back with more questions at bedtime another time)
My extended family has a text chain where we share our connections scores every day and it’s been so fun. They mostly all live in upstate NY but there are a lot of us in Texas and my cousins are all over. It’s been a nice way to connect without pressure and we can share happy birthdays or photos of my growing bump or whatever else is happening. Before this we all got together once a year or so, so this has been a fun daily touch point.
Hear me out - strands is such a lame game!! Needs another element, liked a timer or a number of guesses you are allowed to make that aren’t the correct words. Something. I rarely even have to use a hint and there isn’t a limit on them anyways! It’s just too easy. Signed, a connections and wordle and mini crossword lover
Just on the topic of loving your body, Catherine looks smokin hot in the polar plunge photo! I also I wish I knew where she got her swimsuit! Love every time Catherine writes or is interviewed and look forward to more :)
Wow I feel like a celebrity - I am IN the Race to Alaska movie! When we did the interviews we had no idea if they would even be able to make it, let alone if anyone would watch it. I did it with a big team on a big boat so our shit was less crazy :)
No way! That's so cool! xo
Love love love this <3
Loved ‘ Sandwich.’ And cannot agree more about oofus. I tell everyone about them too.
I just love how there are these lovely recurring characters in the CoJ universe - it's like checking in with old friends.
Speaking of, kind of - what are the Hovey sisters up to? Will we hear from them anytime soon?
What a fabulous interview! I read Sandwich and had to read it again right away. I felt really seen. Menopause rage, empty nest, aging parents, all of it. Catherine is a truth-teller in the best way.
We immigrated from South Africa to the UK in 2020, my dad is still in SA - and we have shared our Wordle scores every day since before we left. My tween kids are also part of our WhatsApp group - they only sometimes contribute, but it’s a lovely way to keep that small contact with my dad in between phone calls.
I loved this interview 💚 And completely with you Catherine on the polar plunging ☺️ Just finished both Sandwich and We all want impossible things upon recommendation from you Jo, and WOW! Loved them both so much, couldn’t put them down and I want to keep plunging into the worlds you create…
This whole post made me smile from start to finish. I especially loved the part about marriage being a living organism. Thank you, Catherine!
I just finished Sandwich, and it was EVERYTHING to me -- marriage, motherhood, and menopause written about in such an exquisitely beautiful way! I love how Catherine Newman acknowledged the love affair that the mother in Sandwich has with her children -- I feel the same way about my child, and there's that ache there as he grows older and gets ready to leave the nest, which was soothed somewhat by Sandwich. I loved so much about this article and the interview with Catherine Newman, and I cannot wait to see and hear more from her!
Help!!! Any suggestions for a clear book on boys entering puberty in this modern world?!? My precious grandson is turning 10 this week and I need guidance on how to talk to him but be “cool” granny.
yes! I like the emotional lives of teenagers, by Lisa Damour. I also try to follow my kids' leads -- if they ask questions, I give them straightforward short answers and ask if they have any more questions. (I don't want to overexplain or overwhelm them! often they'll come back with more questions at bedtime another time)
My extended family has a text chain where we share our connections scores every day and it’s been so fun. They mostly all live in upstate NY but there are a lot of us in Texas and my cousins are all over. It’s been a nice way to connect without pressure and we can share happy birthdays or photos of my growing bump or whatever else is happening. Before this we all got together once a year or so, so this has been a fun daily touch point.
Hear me out - strands is such a lame game!! Needs another element, liked a timer or a number of guesses you are allowed to make that aren’t the correct words. Something. I rarely even have to use a hint and there isn’t a limit on them anyways! It’s just too easy. Signed, a connections and wordle and mini crossword lover
Have you discovered ? I love secret word and 23 words! Some have a timer and some don’t
Love this! What a beautiful interview. I especially love her comments about parent child relationships evolving over time.
I can't wait to read Sandwich!!
Just on the topic of loving your body, Catherine looks smokin hot in the polar plunge photo! I also I wish I knew where she got her swimsuit! Love every time Catherine writes or is interviewed and look forward to more :)
Love, love, love Catherine. What an inspirational human! 🙌🏻 It’s no wonder you two are connected